After the engine is installed in the frame, review this
checklist and perform all steps that apply:
General Items
G Install previously removed
components using new gaskets,
seals, and fasteners where applicable.
G Perform checks on fluid levels,
controls, and all important areas on
the vehicle as outlined in the daily
pre-ride inspection checklist (refer to
Chapter 2 or the Owner’s Manual).
G Verify clutch and lever freeplay
according to procedures on Page 2.9.
G Adjust chain tension according to
procedures on Page 2.25.
G Replace exhaust gaskets. Seal
connections with high temp silicone
sealant if applicable.
G Verify all fasteners are in good
condition and torqued properly.
Bleed Cooling System
NOTE: Refer to Page 3.6 for hose routing. Bleeding
generally is necessary after repairs to purge any air
that may remain in the system during filling.
1. Remove radiator cap and slowly add coolant to
the bottom of filler neck.
2. Fill coolant reservoir tank to full mark.
3. Install radiator cap half--way and gently squeeze
coolant hoses to force any trapped air out of
4. Again, remove radiator cap and slowly add
coolant to the bottom of fill neck if required.
5. Start engine and observe coolant level in the
radiator. Allow air to purge and top off as necessary.
Reinstall radiator cap and bring engine to operating
temperature. After engine is cool, check level in
reservoir tank and add coolant if necessary.
NOTE: Should the reservoir tank become empty, it
will be necessary to refill at the radiator and repeat the
bleeding procedure.
Engine Break In Period
The break in period for a Polaris ATV engine is defined
as the first ten hours of operation, or the time it takes
to use two full tanks of gasoline. No single action on
your part is as important as a proper break in period.
Careful treatment of a new engine will result in more
efficient performance and longer life for the engine.
Perform the following procedures carefully.
New and rebuilt engines require a break--in oil change
at 1 hour of engine run time.
Polaris PS--4 All Season synthetic oil is specially
formulated for use with wet--clutch transmissions.
Never substitute or mix oil brands. Serious engine
damage and voiding of warranty can result.
For new or rebuilt engines, do not operate at full
throttle or high speeds for extended periods during
the first three hours of use. Excessive heat can
build up and cause damage to close fitted engine
1. Fill fuel tank with unleaded or leaded fuel which has
a minimum pump octane number of 87= (R+ M)/2.
2. Check oil reservoir level indicated on dipstick.
Add oil if necessary.
3. Drive slowly at first to gradually bring engine up to
operating temperature.
4. Vary throttle positions. Do not operate at
sustained idle or sustained high speed.
5. Perform regular checks on fluid levels, controls
and all important areas on the vehicle.
6. Pull only light loads during initial break in.
7. Change break in oil and filter at 1 hour or 100
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