6. Remove the clutch plates and friction discs,
keeping them in order. Inspect the pressure
plates for wear and warpage. Inspect the friction
plates for wear or damage to friction material. If
either are damaged or worn excessively, replace
the components as a set.
NOTE: Removal of the clutch pack is not required
to remove the clutch basket.
Note orientation of top friction plate in towers
7. To remove the clutch basket, remove the plunger
from the center of the clutch and de--stake the nut
to avoid damaging the threads upon removal.
Note: Nut is staked on flat of transmission shaft
8. Inspect the spring judders. Leave in place for
reassembly if not damaged.
9. Installation: Reverse the procedures. Using a
new nut, torque the clutch basket retaining nut to
66--81 Ft Lbs. (90--1 10 Nm). Stake the nut at the
flat on the transmission shaft. Install the clutch
plates in order of removal. Reinsert the plunger
into the shaft. Reinstall the cover, pressure plate
screws and springs. Torque the screws to 80-97
Inch Lbs.(9 -11 Nm).
1. With the clutch basket removed, remove the shift
shaft assembly (A), shift cog (B), and shift detent
spring assembly (C).
CAUTION: Shift detent (C) is under spring pressure.
Use care during removal.
2. Inspect for wear or damage to shaft assembly and
components, shift cog, detent assembly and
springs. Replace if wear or damage is evident.
3. Installation: Reverse the procedures. Torque
the shift cog retaining bolt (B) to 80-97 Inch
Lbs.(9-11 Nm) and the detent spring assembly
bolt (C) to 80-97 Inch Lbs.(9-11 Nm).
1. Remove the circlip holding the oil pump gear and
remove the gear.
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