1. Remove bolt securing tensioner pivot blade to
crankcase (A).
2. Remove the blade and inspect for cracks, wear,
or damage.
3. Remove cam chain (B). Inspect chain for worn or
missing rollers or damage. Stretch chain tight on
a flat surface and apply a 10 lb. (4.53 kg) load.
Measure length of a 20 pitch section of chain.
Replace if worn past service limit.
Chain Service Limit:
5.407s (13.7 cm)
4. Installation: Reverse the procedures and torque
the pivot blade bolt to 10-12.2 Ft Lbs.(13.5-16.5
5. See Page 3.38 for Cam Timing.
1. Remove flange bolts (12) from magneto side
crankcase evenly in a criss-cross pattern.
2. Separate crankcase by tapping with a soft faced
hammer in reinforced areas.
3. Watch the gap along the crankcase mating
surface, making sure to separate the crankcase
evenly. It may also be necessary to tap the clutch
side of the crankshaft lightly to help separate the
4. Once the crankcase halves are split apart,
orientate the components into the stator side of
the crankcase containing the crankshaft,
balancer, oil tube, the transmission gears and
shift components for ease of reassembly. The
crankshaft is designed to slip out of the pto side
upon disassembly.
1. Remove all traces of gasket sealer from the
crankcase mating surfaces. Inspect the surfaces
closely for nicks, burrs or damage.
2. Check the oil pump and oil passage mating
surfaces to be sure they are clean and not
damaged. Verify the oil pump screen is clean.
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