
KMD 250 Pilot's Guide
Section 1
Basic Operation
Rev 2 Apr/2004
The information shown on this
display is all the information
from the internal database that
is relevant to the airspace
selected. If some of the fields
are blank or say SEE CHART,
this means that Jeppesen data
is not available for that partic-
ular item.
As discussed previously,
pressing the QUICK TUNE
Softkey will tune the appro-
priate KX 155A/165A
Nav/Comm to the selected fre-
quency. Use the Joystick or
Rotary Knob to place the
cursor over the desired fre-
quency in the list. If the
system contains only one KX
155A/165A, simply pressing
the QUICK TUNE Softkey will
tune the Comm to the
selected frequency. If multiple
KX 155A/165A systems are
contained in the installation,
pressing the QUICK TUNE
Softkey will display the Comm selection display as shown in Figure 1-
35. Use the Joystick or Rotary Knob to select the desired Comm for
tuning. Press the OK Softkey to tune the radio.
The Special Use Airspace (SUA) alert feature is three dimensional. The
SUA areas are stored in the KMD 250 database with regard to altitude
when the actual SUA altitude limitations are charted in terms of mean
sea level (MSL). However, if the actual lower limit of an SUA is charted
in terms of an altitude above ground level (AGL), then it is stored in the
database as all altitude below the upper limit of the SUA. If the actual
upper limit of an SUA is charted in terms of AGL, it is stored in the data-
base as “unlimited”.
If the altitude input to the KMD 250 is pressure altitude from an altitude
encoder or air data computer, then you must manually update the KMD
250 with an altimeter setting (Baro Correction) in order to receive accu-
rate SUA alerting. See the discussion on Baro Correction earlier in this
section. It is a good idea to update the Baro Correction each time you
make a change to the aircraft’s altimeter setting.
Figure 1-41
Figure 1-40
Map Operation