Rev 2 Apr/2004
KMD 250 Pilot's Guide
Section 4
Stormscope® Operation
As mentioned earlier, the WX-500 is controlled through the KMD 250.
The focus on this section is to provide both background information and
a more detailed explanation of the operating procedures. The following
text assumes you have both the WX-500 and the KMD 250 switched on
and that you have selected the Stormscope® display using the WX
Function Select Key on the KMD 250.
At power-up, the WX-500 executes a power-up self test. The self test
takes approximately 25 seconds to ensure that all major WX-500 func-
tions are operating properly. During this period you may receive a NO
DATA RECEIVED FROM STORMSCOPE notification, this is normal.
Functions tested include antenna reception, memory and microprocessor
functions. An error message is displayed if a fault is detected.
Some aircraft are equipped with a remote heading reference, such as an
HSI with a slaved directional gyro. This allows the heading stabilization
feature to automatically adjust the position of the discharge points on the
display when the aircraft changes heading. The heading information
comes from a remote heading source installed in the aircraft that has
been connected to the WX-500. If this heading information is valid, the
WX-500 and KMD 250 will use it. In the absence of an external heading
reference, such as an aircraft with only a directional gyro, or the failure of
the heading reference, the KMD 250 will not allow stormscope strikes to
be overlaid on the Map Display. When no heading is available it is the
responsibility of the user to manually clear strikes after executing a
change in heading for reasons discussed in the next section.
Clearing the discharge points periodically while monitoring
thunderstorms is a good way to determine if the storm is
building or dissipating. Discharge points in a building storm will reappear
faster and in larger numbers. Discharge points in a dissipating storm will
appear slower and in smaller numbers. To clear the discharge points,
press the MENU Key then press the CLEAR STRIKES Softkey.
Clearing the display is especially important if an external heading refer-
ence is not used with the system or has failed. The display should be
cleared after changes in heading in order to make the displayed strikes
reflect their true position in relation to the aircraft.
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