Honeywell KMD 250 GPS Receiver User Manual

Rev 2 Apr/2004
KMD 250 Pilot's Guide
Appendix A
Basic Operation
Leg Mode: navigation of a route by picking the most direct route
between waypoints along the route.
OBS Course Mode: selecting a course to a waypoint based on setting
a specific bearing “to” or “from” the waypoint.
Special Use Airspace (SUA): any of the following: prohibited area,
restricted area, warning area, alert area, MOA, Class A through G,
unknown, danger, caution, training, CTA, or TMA type.
Tailwind: difference between ground speed and true airspeed when
ground speed is more than true airspeed.
Track (TRK): angle of the aircraft’s path over the ground measured
clockwise relative to north.
AAS: Aeronautical Advisory Service
ACT: Active (user waypoint or flight plan)
ADF: Automatic Direction Finder
AFIS: Aerodrome Flight Information Service
AGL: Above Ground Level
ALT: Altitude
AMR: Americas data area
ANSI: American National Standards Institute
APR: Approach
APT: Airport
ARTCC: Air Route Traffic Control Center
ARVL: Arrival
ASOS: Automated Surface Observation System
ATC: Air Traffic Control
ATF: Aerodrome Traffic Frequency
ATI: Atlantic International data area
ATIS: Automatic Terminal Information Service
AWOS: Automated Weather Observing System
A/C: Aircraft
BRG: Bearing
Definitions, Acronyms & Abbreviations
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