Section 2
FIS Operation
Understanding Weather Reports
Rev 4 Aug/2007
KMD 250 Pilot's Guide
NOTE: Only reported at those locations with certified RVR reporting
7. Significant Present Weather: TSRA
TS is a two letter designation for thunderstorm. Other possible des-
ignations could be as follows:
BC Patches
BL Blowing
DR Low Drifting
FZ Supercooled/Freezing
MI Shallow
PR Partial
SH Showers
The second two letter designator, RA, indicates moderate rain.
Moderate is indicated by the absence of a “+”, “-” or “VC” preceding
the designation. These preceding designations represent the fol-
+ Heavy
- Light
VC In the vicinity
Other possible designations could be as follows:
BR Mist
DS Dust Storm
DU Widespread Dust
DZ Drizzle
FC Funnel Cloud
+FC Tornado/Water Spout
FG Fog
FU Smoke
GR Hail
GS Small Hail/Snow Pellets
HZ Haze
IC Ice Crystals
PE Ice Pellets
PO Dust/Sand Whirls
PY Spray
SA Sand
SG Snow Grains
SN Snow
SQ Squall
SS Sandstorm
UP Unknown Precipitation (Automated Observations)
VA Volcanic Ash
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