• When PDF or PDF (Multiple Pages) is selected, images up to 9600 pixels x 9600 pixels can be
• When the Enable large image scans checkbox is selected in Save Settings, or when Start
OCR is selected in Application Settings, you can select JPEG/Exif, TIFF, or PNG.
• With network connection, scanning may take longer than usual when you set TIFF or PNG in
Data Format.
JPEG Image Quality
You can specify the image quality of JPEG files.
• This appears only when JPEG/Exif is selected in Data Format.
PDF Compression
Select the compression type for saving PDF files.
It is recommended that you normally select this setting.
Compresses the file size when saving, allowing you to reduce the load on your network/server.
• This appears only when PDF or PDF (Multiple Pages) is selected in Data Format.
Create a PDF file that supports keyword search
Select this checkbox to convert text in images into text data and create PDF files that support
keyword search.
• This appears only when PDF or PDF (Multiple Pages) is selected in Data Format.
• PDF files that are searchable in the language selected in Document Language on the
(General Settings) tab of the Settings dialog are created.
Save to a subfolder with current date
Select this checkbox to create a current date folder in the folder specified in Save in and save
scanned images in it. The folder will be created with a name such as "20XX_01_01"
If this checkbox is not selected, files are saved directly in the folder specified in Save in.
Enable large image scans
Select this checkbox to scan images up to 21000 pixels x 30000 pixels and 1.8 GB.
• When this checkbox is selected, you cannot select Send to an application, Send to a folder,
Attach to e-mail, or Start OCR.
• When this checkbox is not selected, images up to 10208 pixels x 14032 pixels can be scanned.