56 SMART-MR10/15 User Manual Rev 5
Chapter 3 Operation
The following are examples of connecting to NTRIP clients:
Connecting to www.igs-ip.net (no GPGGA logs):
ntripcaster www.igs-ip.net 80
ntripclient mount prds0 userid password rtcmv3
Connecting to www.igs-ip.net
ntripcaster www.igs-ip.net 80
ntripclient mount prds0 userid password rtcmv3 10
(and send one GPGGA log to the NTRIP server every ten seconds)
3.8 Recommended Configuration
The following command is recommended to enable CAN:
setcanname 305
The following command is recommended to enable SBAS (WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS) corrections:
sbascontrol enable
sbascontrol enable EGNOS 0 zerototwo
The following commands are recommended to enable GL1DE:
pdpfilter enable
pdpmode relative auto
The cellular modem (SMART-MR15 only) is automatically enabled on start up. To set up the NTRIP
corrections, the following commands are recommended:
ntripcaster <address> <port>
ntripclient mount <mountpoint> <username> <password>
NovAtel has registered manufactured ID code 305 with J1939. When complete, your configuration
can be saved with the SAVECONFIG command. Refer to the OEMV Family Firmware Reference
Manual for further details on these commands.