50 SMART-MR10/15 User Manual Rev 5
Chapter 3 Operation
3.3.1 Base Station Configuration
At the base station, enter the following commands:
interfacemode port rx_type tx_type [responses]
com com2 115200 N 8 1 N off
fix position latitude longitude height
log port message [trigger [period]]
Examples of these commands include the following:
interfacemode com2 none rtca off
fix position 51.11358042 -114.04358013 1059.4105
(enter your own lat, lon, hgt)
log com2 rtcaobs ontime 1
log com2 rtcaref ontime 10
log com2 rtca1 ontime 5 (optional, enable code-dgps coverage)
log com2 rtcaephem ontime 10 1 (optional)
interfacemode com2 none rtca off
(recommended) fix position 51.11358042 -114.04358013 1059.4105
(enter your own lat, lon, hgt)
log com2 rtcaobs2 ontime 1
log com2 rtcaref ontime 10
RTCM V2.3 interfacemode com2 none rtcm off
fix position 51.11358042 -114.04358013 1059.4105
(enter your own lat, lon, hgt)
log com2 rtcm3 ontime 10
log com2 rtcm22 ontime 10 1
log com2 rtcm1819 ontime 1
log com2 rtcm1 ontime 5
interfacemode com2 none rtcmv3 off
fix position 51.11358042 -114.04358013 1059.4105
(enter your own lat, lon, hgt)
log com2 rtcm1002 ontime 1 (for L1 only models)
log com2 rtcm1004 ontime 1
log com2 rtcm1006 ontime 10
log com2 rtcm1019 ontime 120