ATCA-C110/1G Installation and Use Manual
About This Manual
MAC Medium Access Controller (for Ethernet)
MII Media Independent Interface (for Ethernet)
MIIM Media Independent Interface Management
NMI Non-maskable interrupts
NPTH Non-Plated Through-hole
PCA Printed Circuit Assembly
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
PHY Physical transceiver device for Ethernet
PICMG PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group.
QoS Quality of Service
R/W Read/write
RS-232 Recommended Standard -232C: interface standard for serial communication
RTC Real Time Clock
RTOS Real Time Operating System
SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SerDes Serializer De-Serializer
ShMC Shelf Management Controller
SoC System on Chip
SPD Serial Presence Detect
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
TBD To be decided
TC Traffic Class
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter
UBOOT Universal Boot Code for PowerPC's
UPM User-Programmable Machine
VC Virtual Channel
VPD Vital Product Data
XAUI 10G Attachment Unit Interface
Term Definition