GNS-XL Flight Management System AFIS Operation
Rev. 0
UPDATE refers to the Lat/Lon
position of aircraft at time of last
update request. (Figure 7-9).
TO: The TO waypoint identifier.
TO/FUEL: Projected fuel
required from FROM waypoint
to TO waypoint as transferred
from disk or updated enroute via
the data link.
TO/TIME: The estimated time
enroute in hours and minutes
from the FROM waypoint to the TO waypoint as transferred from the
disk or updated through the data link.
HOLDING/FUEL: Projected fuel required for Holding Time as trans-
ferred from disk or received via the data link.
HOLDING/TIME: The holding time in hours and minutes as trans-
ferred from disk or received via the data link.
TO/FUEL: Projected fuel required from TO waypoint to alternate air-
port as transferred from disk or received via the data link.
TO/TIME: The estimated time enroute in hours and minutes from TO
waypoint to alternate airport as transferred from disk or received via
the data link.
RESERVE FUEL: Projected reserve fuel at TO waypoint as trans-
ferred from the disk or received via the data link.
RESERVE TIME: Projected flight time remaining at TO waypoint to
consume the displayed RESERVE FUEL.
TOTALS: Sum of planned enroute and reserve fuel and sum of
planned enroute and reserve time.
TO KJFK 6400 4+04
HOLDING ----- -----
TO ---- ----- -----
RESERVE 5563 2+32
TOTALS 11963 6+36
Figure 7-9