Honeywell GNS-XL GPS Receiver User Manual

Page Display Definitions
GNS-XL Flight Management System
Rev. 0
The following are the advisory messages that may appear on the
SYSTEM MESSAGES Page. All will cause the message annuncia-
tor to flash unless otherwise noted with an asterisk *.
System Message Explanation
ALTITUDE FAIL The altitude input to the system has failed.
*APRCH ARMED Approach is ready to be executed. Pressing
ENTER TO CANCEL? ENT will cancel the sequence. Displayed
within 30NM radius of the airport. CDI sensi-
tivity changes to 1NM full scale deflection.
VNAV Deviation changes to 500 ft. full scale
deflection. The message annunciator will
not illuminate.
*APRCH NEXT Aircraft is within 3NM of the FAF. CDI sen-
ENTER TO CANCEL? sitivity changes from 1NM to .3NM full scale
deflection. The message annunciator will
not illuminate.
*APRCH ACTIVE Approach sequence is being executed.
ENTER TO CANCEL? Pressing ENT will cancel the approach.
The message annunciator will not illuminate.
APRCH CANCELED System is in an Approach Mode and the
approach is changed or deleted from the
Active Flight Plan.
APRCH WARN The aircraft is within 2 NM from the FAF and
GPS is in Dead Reckoning (DR) or there is
no RAIM available. HSI is flagged.
CNFG DATA LOST CDU non-volatile memory has lost its config-
uration information and the configuration
module has failed.
CNFG MODULE FAIL Configuration module has failed. CDU non-
volatile memory configuration information
will be used.
COMPASS FAIL The aircraft's compass heading input to the
system is invalid.
DATA BASE INVALID The data base is invalid because the last
UPDATE ABORTED attempt to update the data base was aborted.