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External Device Setup
Section 4 External Device Setup
After wiring the instrument and other devices and performing the basic
programming setup program and, when necessary, calibrate the devices. For
each sensor program, calibrate, and install the sensors in a pipe. Refer to the
980 Quick-Start Guides on page 149 for more information on programming
and calibration. The following external devices are explained in Section 4:
4.1 4–20 mA Output
4.1.1 Programming the 4–20 mA Output
Two 4–20 mA current loop outputs are available for the 980 Flow Meter. These
current outputs typically pace other process equipment, such as a wastewater
sampler, in proportion to the flow rate.
The dual isolated 4–20 mA current loop outputs on the 980 Flow Meter are
unique, they can be assigned to any of the available channels, not just flow. In
addition, the 4 mA and 20 mA current levels are programmed to any desired
minimum and maximum value for that channel.
1. From the Main Menu, select
Note: When the 4–20 mA outputs
are disabled and not completely
turned off, they will continue to
output a steady 4 mA.
2. Enable the 4–20 mA outputs by pressing the CHANGE CHOICE soft key
while in the 4-20 mA output menu.
3. When the display shows the outputs as enabled, press the
soft key.
4. Choose either
OUTPUT A or OUTPUT B. Use the up and down arrow keys
to highlight the choice then press the
SELECT soft key.
• 4–20 mA Outputs (section 4.1) • Modem Interface (section 4.8)
• Analog Connection (section 4.2) • pH Sensor (section 4.9)
• Mechanical Totalizer
(section 4.3)
• Downlook Ultrasonic Sensor
(section 4.10)
• Alarm Relays (section 4.4) • In-Pipe Ultrasonic Sensor
(section 4.11)
• Rain Gauge (section 4.5) • Velocity-Only Sensor
(section 4.12)
• Sampler (section 4.6) • Submerged AV Sensor
(section 4.13)
• RS232 (section 4.7)
11:00 AM 21 - APR - 01 4–20 mA OUTPUTS