Page 46
Wiring the Modem Interface
Section 2
2.14 Wiring the Modem Interface
Use care when making modem
connections as high voltage may
be present on the phone wires!
Soyez vigilant lorsque vous connectez le modem, car les fils du téléphone
peuvent présenter des tensions élevées.
Vorsicht beim Anschluss des Modems. Telefonleitungen können hohe
Spannungen führen!
Se debe actuar con sumo cuidado cuando se realizan las conexiones del
módem ya que los cables telefónicos pueden conducir altas tensiones
Fare attenzione quando si connette il modem poichè un alto voltaggio può
essere presente nei fili elettrici del telefono.
Use this connection with the internal modem and a standard dial-up public
telephone line. This interface can also be used for the SCADA-Modbus
interface. See Appendix E on page 133.
Users should not attempt to make
electrical connections
themselves, but should contact
the appropriate electric
inspection authority, or
electrician, as appropriate
Les utilisateurs ne doivent pas essayer d'établir eux-mêmes de telles
connexions, mais doivent contacter l'électricien ou l'organisme de vérification
électrique appropriée, selon le cas.
El usuario no debe intentar efectuar tales conexiones por sí mismo, sino hacer
contacto con las autoridades adecuadas para inspección eléctrica o un
electricista, según sea el caso.
Anschlüsse dieser Art sollten nicht vom Anwender selbst vorgenommen werden
- wenden Sie sich an einen qualifizierten Elektroinstallateur bzw. das zuständige
L'utilizzatore non deve effettuare collegamenti, ma deve contattare una apposite
autorità per l'ispezione o un elettricista come previsto dalle norme.
The Load Number (LN) assigned to each terminal device denotes the
percentage of the total load to be connected to a telephone loop which is used
by the device to prevent overloading. The termination on a loop may consist of
any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the total of the
Load Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 100.
1. Disconnect all power to the 980 Flow Meter. See warning in Wiring Safety
Information on page 31.
2. Use a large flat-blade screwdriver to loosen the two screws securing the
980 Flow Meter cover. Open the cover.
3. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the modem terminal
protective cover. See Figure 20.