Screen 4: Gear circuit diagnostic. This screen
displays the resistance value (in ohms) being read at
the gear switch input of the gauge. NOTE: 10--20%
variance from these readings is within normal
23 Ohms in Park
158 Ohms in Neutral
75 Ohms in Reverse
297 Ohms in Low
628 Ohms in High
Screen 5: Programmable service interval. The
purpose of the programmable service interval is to
provide the consumer and dealer with a convenient
reminder for routine maintenance. When the ATV
leaves the factory, this feature is set at 50 hours.
Once the service interval mode is set with the hours
when service is due, the hours of actual engine
operation are subtracted from the set hours until 0 is
reached. When the counter reaches 0, the wrench
icon will flash quickly for 10 seconds each time the
vehicle is started as a reminder that the periodic
maintenance is due.
Setting Service Interval After Countdown (zero):
1. While in the service interval mode, press and hold
the mode/override button until the wrench icon
flashes. When it begins to flash, release the button.
2. The setting will increase by one hour each time the
button is pressed. Pressing and holdingthe buttonwill
allow the numbers to escalate much faster.
3. When the desired time increment is displayed,
release the button and wait for the wrench to stop
flashing. When the wrench stops blinking, your