Photo for reference only!
Armature Plate Tabs Fit Into Rollcage Slots
NOTE: This photo is for reference only, the armature
plate is actually installed in the output cover.
12. Install output cover with new O-ring and torque
bolts to 14 ft. lbs. (19 Nm).
NOTE: Be sure the square O--ring is placed flat on
the cover surface, if the O--ring is twisted fluidleakage
may occur.
Cover Bolts Torque
14 ft. lbs. (19 Nm)
13. Install new seals into the gearcase housing and
gearcase housing cover.
Back Lash Pad (Thrust Pad) Adjustment
14. Laythe gearcase on the side with the outputcover
facing up.
15. The backlash screw is loctited into place. Use a
heat gun to lightly heat up the loctite on the screw
16. Using a hex wrench, turn the back--lash screw out
3--4 turns. Re--apply red loctite onto the bottom
screw threads.
17. Turn the screw in until it is lightly seated, then turn
the screw out 1/4 turn.
18. Set the gearcase upright. Rotate the pinion shaft
at least 4 times. This ensures the ring gear
completes one full rotation.