Chapter 6: Using Platinum cartography 47
1. Right-click anywhere on a Navionics chart page. The right-mouse
menu is displayed.
2. Select
Navionics Object properties
. The Information dialog box is
3. Click Find Nearest. The find nearest selection box is displayed.
4. Highlight the category you want to view.
5. Click OK. The information is displayed in the information dialog box.
Search port by name
The Search port by Name feature enables you to search for a specific port.
However, it will not enable you to search for a specific restaurant or
chandlery name within a port.
To search by name:
In an area that is covered by a Navionics chart:
1. Right-click in the required area. The right-mouse menu is displayed.
2. Select
Navionics Object properties
. The Information dialog box is
3. Click Search by Name. The on-screen keyboard is displayed.
4. Enter the name of the port you want to locate.
5. Click OK. The on-screen keyboard closes and the result(s) are displayed
in the information dialog box.
Wrecks data
Wrecks data provides details of wrecks that can also be found on a paper
48 RayTech RNS V6.0 - Users Guide
To display wrecks data:
1. Right click the wreck icon. The right mouse drop-down menu is
2. Highlight Navionics Chart Object.
3. Click OK. The Wrecks information dialog box is displayed.
Coastal roads
When you display a chart with an aerial photo overlay major coastal inter-
state, state highways and other major roads are shown.
The ability to view roads depends upon the level of transparency that has
been selected for the aerial overlay. As the overlay visibility is decreased
the roads will fade from view.
US inland waterways
Chart coverage of major US inland waterways such as the Great Lakes and
Lake Okeechobee are now included in Platinum cartography.
Interstate highway/ Motorway
State highway/ Major road
Highway/ Minor road