User’s manual maps + more
- 42 - Navigation
4. Select the sub-category from which you would like to select a POI.
The Destination list opens. It contains POIs from the specified
category, sorted alphabetically.
5. If the list is very long:
► Tap on (Close list).
The keyboard appears.
► Enter a number of letters from the destination.
► Tap on (Open list).
The list now contains only those destinations which begin with or
contain the letters entered.
6. Tap on the name of the destination.
The D
Indicated on the Activate MyRoutes button is whether several route
suggestions are to be calculated (Yes) or not (No).
► Tap on Activate MyRoutes in order to change the setting.
Sometimes the destination cannot be found exactly because, for
example, several restaurants with the same name exist in the town
in question.
In this case a window opens with all the destinations matching your
entry plus additional information.
► Tap on the destination to which you want to navigate.
7. Tap on Start navigation.
- or -
Tap on Parking in order to search for and navigate to a car park
near your destination.
Tap on Parking Charging > Charging near the destination in
order to search for a charging station near the destination.
The map opens in Preview mode. The destination is indicated on
the map.
For detailed information on how to start navigation, please refer to the
chapter "Route preview" on page 47. Please read on there.