Brunton MapCreate6 GPS Receiver User Manual

priate hot key or shortcut key on the keyboard.
Commands are sometimes described as menu sequences, to help you find
the command faster. For example, "to open the Trail List window, click
VIEW|TRAIL LIST," means to mouse click on the main menu's View command
and then click the Trail List command on the submenu.
Specific text or numbers you must type are shown in bold, sans serif type.
For example, if the manual says "Enter a Zoom range of
650 miles," you
would click in the Zoom Range Window, type the numbers 650, then press
Enter key.
Place holders for other items you must supply yourself, such as file names,
are italicized. For example, when the manual says "Enter a name in the
File Name text box," you would click in the text box, type the name you
want to use for the file, then press the
Enter key.
This manual is written specifically for MapCreate 6.3, but for simplicity, the
program is often referred to as "MapCreate" or "MapCreate 6."