Brunton MapCreate6 GPS Receiver User Manual

How to Obtain Service…
…in the USA:
We back your investment in quality products with quick, expert service and
genuine Brunton parts. If you're in the United States and you have techni-
cal, return or repair questions, please contact the Factory Customer Ser-
vice Department. Before any product can be returned, you must call cus-
tomer service to determine if a return is necessary. Many times, customer
service can resolve your problem over the phone without sending your
product to the factory. To call us, use the following toll-free number:
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mountain Standard Time, M-F
Brunton may find it necessary to change or end our shipping policies, regu-
lations, and special offers at any time. We reserve the right to do so with-
out notice.
…outside the USA:
If you have technical, return or repair questions, contact the dealer in the
country where you purchased your unit. To locate a dealer nearest you,
send us and e-mail at