Brunton MapCreate6 GPS Receiver User Manual

Building Map Progress dialog box.
4. When the map has been built, the Save As dialog box appears. Note
that the file size of the map is shown in the title bar and in the status bar at
the lower left corner of the MapCreate screen. In the example below, the
size is approximately 1.94 MB.
Type a name in the
FILE NAME text box and click SAVE.
Save As dialog box showing map size in title bar
Congratulations, you've made your first Map File! Your map was
placed directly on your MMC or Secure Digital card. If you wish to keep a
copy of the file on your computer, use Windows Explorer to copy the Map
File to the "data" sub-folder located within the MapCreate folder on your
hard drive.
If you don't plan to change this map later, the map border or Map Border
File that you created it from can now be deleted if you wish.
If you are having trouble saving your Map File to your memory card,
your MMC may need to be reformatted. For more information on this,
refer to the MMC format note on page 12 or the instruction sheet that