Installing cylinder head cover
Insert reamed bolt (arrow), BMW No. 11 1 980,
into inner front hole.
Press centering pin, BMW No. 00 5 500, into
mount under the third camshaft bearing.
Install the cylinder head cover gasket with the
half-moon cutouts first. The marks at the front
and rear of the gasket and the cylinder head cov-
er must coincide.
Oil the gasket and half-moons lightly.
Press in the half-moon on the gearbox side first.
Apply a small amount of 3-Bond 1209 to the joint
area of the cylinder head and timing case cover.
Attach the cylinder head cover with gasket.
Insert all retaining screws as far as possible.
Tighten the retaining screws in a crosswise pat-
tern, working from the inside outwards.
X Tightening torque:
Cylinder head cover....................................... 8 Nm
Take out the reamed and centering screw and in-
sert the remaining retaining screws.
11 1 990