Adjusting front ABS sensor gap
Raise front wheel with front wheel stand,
BMW No. 36 3 950.
Secure dial gauge holder (1), BMW No. 34 2 520
with dial gauge to fork sliding tube.
Secure measuring shoe (2), BMW No. 34 2 510
to feeler of dial gauge.
Set dial gauge at marking (arrow) on pulse wheel
to zero.
Measure axial runout over the entire circumfe
Adjust the sensor spacing with spacer plates at
the point with the least pointer deflection.
Remove and install sensor using Torx socket,
BMW No 34 2 500.
Sensor spacing front:
Up to 1996 MY .............................. 0.50 - 0.55 mm
................................................(0.0197...0.0216 in)
From 1997 MY on .......................... 0.45 - 0.55 mm
................................................(0.0177...0.0216 in)
e Caution:
After adjustment, check that the sensor is clear over
the entire circumference.
L Note:
If the pulse wheel has been replaced, its maximum
axial runout must be determined; mark point with
coloured dot.
34 2 520
34 2 510