Chapter 5: Standard Chart Operations 5-31
Target Point Arrival
Target Point Arrival
The arrivalalarm isused to alert youwhen thevessel isapproaching thetarget
point.The arrivalalarm isdefined asa circle(not visibleon the screen)around
the target. You can specify radius of the arrival alarm (see Section 6.3).
The alarm is triggered when either of the following conditions is met:
• The distance to the target point is less than that specified for the arrival
• Yourvesselreachestheclosest pointof approachto thetarget (definedby a
line passing through the waypoint and perpendicular to the route leg).
➤ To cancel the arrival alarm and go towards the next waypoint in the route,
either press any key
or wait for 10 seconds.
thetwo are connectedby adotted lineindicatingthe current leg. Anyprevious
route leg is removed from the screen, but waypoints remain.
Note: Whenfollowing arouteusing aSeaTalk autopilot, theautopilotwillnot
turn to the new waypoint until it is accepted at the autopilot control unit.
Other Follow Route Options
You can use the soft keys to follow a route from a selected waypoint (join a
route),or if already following, youcan advanceto the next waypoint. You can
also restart the cross track error, setting the current vessel position as the new
In addition, you can move a selected waypoint as described in Section 5.3,or
remove a waypoint from the route as described in Section 5.4.
Joining a Route
➤ To start tracking the current route at a selected waypoint:
1. Movethe cursor over the required waypoint until the letters WPT and the
waypoint soft keys are displayed.
2. Press the FOLLOW FROM HERE soft key.
Your vessel follows the route, using the selected waypoint as the target
3. Toreturntothe defaultdisplay,movethe cursorawayfromthe waypointor
press CLEAR or ENTER.
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