
- To delete an attribute value from the list of possible val-
ues of a Menu-style attribute, first select the concerned
attribute in the left-hand pane of the Feature Library Edi-
tor window. Then in the right-hand pane of this window,
highlight the cell containing the attribute value you want
to delete and press Del on your keyboard. Deletion is
immediate as MobileMapper Office does not require user
Saving a Feature Library
When you are done with the definition of a feature library
file, don’t forget to save the file by selecting
File>Save on the
menu bar of the Feature Library Editor window.
Attaching a Feature Library to a Job
When you want to attach a feature library to a GIS job, you
just have to import this feature library into the job open in the
main window, using the
File>Import command. The features
contained in the feature library will then appear as “layers”
in that job. When you save the job, the complete feature li-
brary will also be saved in this job.
Similarly, when you open a job after downloading it from a
MobileMapper handheld, then the features from the library
file used for that job will automatically appear as layers per-
taining to the job. If you open the Feature Library Editor
window in that case, then it’s the feature library used in that
job that will be shown in this window.