
- Creating background maps using the Background Map
and Create Map utilities. When you create a background
map, you can import SHP, DXF or MIF files to add use-
ful details to your map. Remember however that back-
ground maps are for viewing only. You cannot edit them
or access information on their features. They provide a
backdrop, which gives visual orientation for your data
and waypoint files. If you want to edit the positions or
descriptions of a SHP, MIF or DXF file, you should
import them into a MobileMapper job file.
- Uploading individually any standalone feature library
file or background map to the MobileMapper handheld.
- Downloading individually any standalone feature library
file, background map file or waypoint/route file.
- Defining the coordinate system used by MobileMapper
Office to display the coordinates of features and way-
Installing MobileMapper Office
- Close all the applications running in Windows
- Insert the installation CD-ROM in the drive
- If the Autorun program does not start automatically from
the CD-ROM, in the Windows task bar, click on Start
and select Run...
- Type x:\setup (where x is the name of the CD-ROM
drive) and then press Enter. After you specify where to
install MobileMapper Office programs, and you agree to
the terms of the software license, your computer will
complete the installation process.
Launching MobileMapper Office
On the Window Task bar, select successively Start, Programs
MobileMapper Office. This starts the program causing the
main window to open on the PC screen. You may alterna-
tively start just the Feature Library Editor or the Mo-
bileMapper Transfer utility in order to use these standalone