
Default coordinate
Primary: Lat/Lon
Secondary: UTM
5. Coord System
This option allows you to define a primary coordinate
system, and also a secondary coordinate system if you
need one.
By defining a coordinate system, you tell MobileMapper
how the calculated coordinates should be expressed. For
example, if you choose
Lat/Lon, all coordinates will be
expressed as angles (latitudes and longitudes) and if you
UTM or any other system, coordinates will all be
distances (Northings and Eastings) from the chosen ori-
When you select the
Coord System option from the Setup
menu, MobileMapper asks you to specify which system
you want to define (primary or secondary). Select it and
press ENTER. In the list that appears, select the coordi-
nate system you want to use and press ENTER. Depend-
ing on your choice, MobileMapper may then ask you
additional information:
- Lat/lon display format
- Distance units if you chose another system (other
than UTM). If for example a calculated coordinate is
249173N and you choose 1 meter as distance unit,
then the coordinate will appear as 249173N on the
Position screen, or 24917N if you choose 10 meters,
or 2491N if you choose 100 meters, etc.
- For some systems, information on grid zones or types
- For the User Grid, projection type (Transverse Mer-
cator, Lambert Conic, Stereographic, Oblique Merca-
tor or Polyconic), coordinates of origin, scale factor,
unit to meters conversion and false Easting and
Northing at origin