Using Find
Using the Find Menu
You can search for Waypoints, Cities or interstate highway Exits that are included
in the GPS V basemap using the Find Menu. In addition, if you have downloaded
the City Select map data, you can search for and fi nd Points of Interest, Addresses, or
Intersections. If this data is not present, these options are not selectable. Your current
location is normally used as the reference point when searching for ‘Nearest’—and the
‘Distance’, and ‘Bearing’ readings will also reference your current location. However,
if you are using the panning pointer (see page 13), it is used as the reference point for
‘Nearest’, ‘Distance’ and ‘Bearing’.
Finding Items ‘By Name’ or ‘Nearest’
Waypoints, Cities, and Points of Interest on the Find Menu can be viewed in two
formats, ‘By Name’ (a list of every item available for a category) or ‘Nearest’ (a list of
only those items for a category that are nearby). When selecting Waypoints, Cities or
Points of interest, the option to search ‘By Name’ or for ‘Nearest’ will automatically pop
up once the category is selected.
Finding waypoints, cities or points of interest by name:
1. Press FIND to display the Find Menu.
2. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to select ‘Points of Interest’, ‘Waypoints’ or ‘Cities’.
3. A pop-up window allows you to fi nd ‘Nearest’ or ‘By Name’. Use the ROCKER
KEYPAD to select ‘By Name’ and press ENTER.
4. For Points of Interest Only: additional pop-up windows allow you to select the
points of interest category(s). Use the ROCKER KEYPAD and ENTER to select the
desired category(s).
When searching for points of interest using
the ‘By Name’ list, multiple items with the
same name appear only once on the list (for
example “McDonalds”). When you select it
and press ENTER, a list of ‘Nearest’ for that
name will appear.
Find Menu:
Points of Interest
(Food&Drink, Lodging, Entertainment,
Shopping, Services, Transportation and
Recently Found Places
* See pages 14 and 48-49 for more informa-
tion on creating and using waypoints.
GPS V OM.indd 26 5/7/2003, 8:53:06 AM