Setup Map—allows you to confi gure the map display to your preferences, includ-
ing map detail, map orientation, automatic zooming, and color mode. The map setup
options are organized under a series of “fi le tabs”, making individual selections easier
to locate and change. The following table lists the fi le tabs and settings available under
each tab:
Map Detail, Orientation, AutoZoom, Lock On Road
Display Land Data, Direct Goto Line, Color Mode
Line Track Log, Active Route, Railroad, Lat/Lon Grid
Wpt User waypoints, Active Route waypoints
City Large/Medium/Small Cities, Small Towns, Text
Road Freeway, Highway, Local Road, Local Road Names
Point Geo, Marine Navaid, Highway Exits, Points of Interest
Area River, Park, Metro Area, Other
Topo Major/Intermediate/Minor Contour Lines, Land Cover
Common Settings:
Text Size—Specifi es the text size that a map item will be displayed in. Selecting
‘None’ will turn off the text display for that item.
Max Zoom—Specifi es the maximum map scale at which a map item will be dis-
played. If ‘Auto’ is selected, the maximum map scale will be determined by the ‘Detail’
setting to prevent map clutter. If ‘Off’ is selected, the item will not be shown.
Map Page
A series of “fi le tabs” at the top of the page
allow you to change the Map Page setup
Map orientation options include ‘North Up’
and ‘Track Up’. Selecting ‘North Up’ will dis-
play the map with North at the top. Selecting
‘Track Up’ will automatically rotate the map
to keep your current direction of travel at
the top of the screen. A ‘North’ indicator is
displayed on the map when using ‘Track Up’.
GPS V OM.indd 17 5/7/2003, 8:53:00 AM