which channels/codes to scan. Since it can take time to
scan through the all the channels, selecting only specifi c
channels/codes will decrease the scan time. Decreasing scan
time will help prevent the chances of missing a transmis-
sion. The Scanlist also has Option Menu choices to ‘Scan
Current Codes’ or ‘Scan All Codes’. Choosing ‘Scan Current
Codes’ will scan only the Channel and Code combination
in memory
The ‘Monitor’ option lets you listen to a single channel
for any activity, including static and weak voice signals.
The Rino series will automatically squelch a frequency to
fi lter out unwanted noise. Using the Monitor option will
temporarily turn off the automatic squelch allowing you
to hear the open channel. If you see a broken transmission
symbol (see pg. 9), you may be receiving a signal too weak
to trigger the unit’s squelch. You might choose this option
if a signal is getting out of range or weak.
To Scan or Monitor a channel(s):
1. Using the CLICK STICK, highlight the ‘Scan’ or
‘Monitor’ button and then press the CLICK STICK
key IN. ‘Scan’ will start searching through the avail-
able channels. ‘Monitor’ will open the channel in
order to listen to any radio transmissions on that
2. To stop using either option, highlight the button with
the CLICK STICK and press IN.
To Setup a Scanlist:
1. Using the CLICK STICK, highlight the Options Menu
on-screen button and press IN. Highlight ‘Setup
Scanlist’ and press IN on the CLICK STICK.
2. To add/remove a channel from the list, highlight
the channel and press IN on the CLICK STICK to
add/remove the check mark in from of the name.
Only channels that are checked will be scanned.
3. To Select/Clear All channels, highlight either the
‘Select All’ or ‘Clear All’ buttons and press IN on the
4. To ‘Scan All Codes’ or ‘Scan Current Codes’, highlight
the Options Menu and press IN on the CLICK STICK.
Choose the desired setting and press IN on the
Radio Page
Scan & Monitor
The Code fi eld will go
blank when you monitor
a channel.
rino120_10.indd 6 9/13/2002, 3:27:38 PM