Chapter 5 Command Reference
GPS Satellite Acquisition
5-18 Operating and Programming Guide
Selecting Satellites _____________________________
This command adds the specified satellites to the list that the Receiver ignores
for tracking. Each satellite is identified by its pseudorandom noise code (PRN).
Expanded Syntax
:GPS:SATellite:TRACking:IGNore <PRN>, . . ., <PRN>
<PRN> parameter is the pseudorandom noise code of the satellite(s) you want
the Receiver to ignore. Each satellite has its own unique PRN.
Context Dependencies
This command is always valid. On send, if any item in the <PRN> list is
invalid, the entire list will be rejected.
Error -222
will be generated.
This query returns a list of satellites to ignore for tracking. Each satellite is
identified by its pseudorandom noise code (PRN). Zero (0) indicates no
satellites being ignored.
A value of 0 indicates no satellites being ignored. If any satellite is being
ignored, the pseudorandom noise code (PRN) of the satellite is returned.
Context Dependencies
This query is always valid.
:GPS:SATellite:TRACking:IGNore . . .
Adds the specified satellites to the list that the Receiver ignores
for tracking.
No satellites ignored
Returns list of satellites to ignore.
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