Symmetricom 58503B GPS Receiver User Manual

Chapter 4 Command Quick Reference
GPS Satellite Acquisition
Operating and Programming Guide 4-5
GPS Satellite Acquisition
The following commands are provided to facilitate initial GPS satellite
tracking, to establish accurate GPS antenna position, to select or ignore
satellites, to compensate for antenna cable delay, and to monitor the
Facilitating Initial Tracking
:GPS:INITial:DATE <four-digit year>, <month>, <day>
:GPS:INITial:POSition N or S, <latitude degree>,
<latitude minute>,
<latitude second>,
E or W, <longitude degree>,
<longitude minute>,
<longitude second>,
<height above the GPS ellipsoid, in meters (58503B)>
<height above mean sea level, in meters (59551A)>
:GPS:INITial:TIME <hour>, <minute>, <second>
Establishing Position
:GPS:POSition SURVey
:GPS:POSition:SURVey:STATe:POWerup ON or OFF
:GPS:POSition N or S, <latitude degree>,
<latitude minute>,
<latitude second>,
E or W, <longitude degree>,
<longitude minute>,
<longitude second>,
<height above the GPS ellipsoid, in meters (58503B)>
<height above mean sea level, in meters (59551A)>
Specifies the position of the GPS antenna.
Returns the current average position of the GPS antenna.
Returns the current instantaneous position of the GPS antenna.
Basic comman