Symmetricom 58503B GPS Receiver User Manual

Chapter 5 Command Reference
GPS Satellite Acquisition
5-16 Operating and Programming Guide
Establishing Position___________________________
This query identifies whether the Receiver is in survey or position-hold mode.
In survey mode, the Receiver continually refines its position. In position-hold
mode, the position does not change.
A response of ONCE indicates that the Receiver is in survey mode. A response
of 0 indicates the Receiver is in position-hold mode.
This command specifies whether the Receiver always surveys at powerup or
restores its last position at powerup.
Expanded Syntax
:GPS:POSition:SURVey:STATe:POWerup ON or OFF
OFF sets the Receiver to powerup in the last valid position. ON sets the
Receiver to survey on powerup.
This query returns the position mode to be used at powerup.
A value of 0 indicates the Receiver is set to powerup in the last valid position.
A value of 1 indicates the Receiver is set to survey on powerup.
Identifies whether the Receiver is in survey or position-hold mode.
XYZ or 0
:GPS:POSition:SURVey:STATe:POWerup . . .
Selects position mode to be used at powerup.
Returns the position mode to be used at powerup.
0 or 1