Symmetricom 58503B GPS Receiver User Manual

Chapter 5 Command Reference
GPS Satellite Acquisition
Operating and Programming Guide 5-15
Establishing Position ___________________________
This query identifies whether the Receiver is in position-hold or survey mode.
In survey mode, the Receiver continually refines its position. In position-hold
mode, the position setting does not change.
A value of 0 indicates not in position hold (in survey mode); a value of 1
indicates in position hold.
This query returns percent completed while in survey mode. Automatic
transition to position-hold mode occurs following completion of survey mode
(indicated by 100).
The range is 0 to 100%. The units are percent.
Context Dependencies
This query is only valid while surveying for position (:GPS:POS:SURV:STATe?
returns ONCE or status bit 3 = 0 in the Operation Status Register). If queried
while not surveying, error -221 is generated.
This command initiates survey mode during which the Receiver determines its
position from satellite data. The Receiver refines successive positional
estimates to obtain a final position, transitions from survey to position-hold
Expanded Syntax
Identifies whether the Receiver is in position-hold or survey mode.
0 or 1
Returns percent completed while in survey mode.
:GPS:POSition:SURVey:STATe . . .
Initiates survey mode during which the Receiver determines its
position from satellite data.