NorthStar Navigation 941X GPS Receiver User Manual

Page 24 3 — Basic Navigation
3 — Basic Navigation3 — Basic Navigation
3 — Basic Navigation Rev. D
To set up the parameters for the display of data on the plotter screen,
press the
menu key. The following screen is displayed:
The plotter control menu allows you to change the following items:
The plotter scale at and above which waypoint names will not be
displayed on the plotter screen
Whether local waypoints are displayed on the screen
How often your position is recorded on the screen
Whether your track history is displayed on the screen
Whether a lat/lon grid is displayed on the screen
To change any one of these, use the up and down cursor keys to move the
arrow to the item you want to change, and press the
menu key.
This will cause a large cursor to flash on the field, indicating you should
use the up and down cursor keys to select the option you want. Press
when done, or
to restore the field to its original value.
The 941X can store up to 900 points in its track, so the maximum length
of the track depends on how often points are stored.
You may choose to store track points every second, with a maximum
length of 15 minutes, or every two minutes for a maximum length of 30
hours, or a number of settings in between.
plotter options