NorthStar Navigation 941X GPS Receiver User Manual

Page 106 9 — Installation and Interfacing
9 — Installation and Interfacing9 — Installation and Interfacing
9 — Installation and Interfacing Rev. D
1. Remove the antenna base by loosening the four captive screws
in the base.
2. Screw the base onto the top of the antenna mount (standard 1"-
14 marine thread).
3. Feed the open end of the supplied coax cable down through the
antenna base and through the hollow core of the antenna
4. Affix the TNC connector-end of the coax to the mating connec-
tor inside the upper half of the GPS antenna.
5. Align the upper half of the antenna with the bottom half and
tighten the four screws. Be careful not to over-tighten the
screws, as this may deform the watertight seal between the two
antenna halves.
Supplied with your antenna is a length of RG-59 coaxial cable (25 feet
with #AN145 passive antenna, and 50 feet with the optional #AN150 ac-
tive and #AN190 combo antennas).
Cable length for the GPS-only passive antenna must not exceed 25 feet. If
a longer cable run is necessary, use either the Northstar “active” or
“combo” antenna for minimum lengths of 50 feet, up to a maximum
100 feet. (Runs between 25 and 50 feet require either the active or
combo antenna and the minimum 50-foot length of cable. The extra
footage may be coiled up, but not removed.)
For applications with grounding problems, or where optimum portability
is required, or when only a single antenna is desired, a combination
GPS/DGPS antenna is available, part #AN190 (see Figure 5 on page
105). This “combo” antenna provides for an easier and better-looking
installation. In many cases, the loop antenna design improves the noise
rejection of signals interfering with differential signals. However, like the
“active” GPS antenna, the combo antenna must be used with a minimum
of 50, and no more than 100, feet. Any unused length must be coiled up;
do not cut it to less than 50 feet!
The cable “splitter” box supplied with the AN190 combo antenna should
be located near the 941X for convenience, but may be situated virtually
anywhere along the length of the maximum 100 feet of RG-59 GPS cable,
antenna wiring