NorthStar Navigation 941X GPS Receiver User Manual

Rev. D 9 —
9 —9 —
9 — Installation and Interfacing
Installation and InterfacingInstallation and Interfacing
Installation and Interfacing Page 107
without appreciable signal loss. However, the splitter is not weatherproof
and should be placed in a protected area where it will not be subjected to
direct water splash or spray.
The combo antenna should be located where it has a clear view of the ho-
rizon, but is not the highest point on the vessel. Keep the antenna at least
six feet away from objects that can “shade” GPS or differential signals.
Avoid tight bends when installing any antenna cable. Be sure to fasten
the cable along its length to avoid chafing or whipping of any kind.
After the antenna has been mounted and the cable has been cut to
length, install the supplied BNC connector at the other end (refer to Fig-
ures 6, 7 and 8 on pages 107 and 108). A satisfactory crimp for this con-
nector may be made with a commonly available, high-quality crimping
tool designed for use with BNC connectors.
Be sure the BNC connector is properly installed—most system failures,
whether continuous or intermittent, can be traced to poor connector in-
Strip cable jacket to the following dimensions (in inches), as illus-
trated in Figure 6: a=0.57, b=0.34, c=0.14, d=0.43. Do not nick the
center conductor.
Figure 7
Figure 7Figure 7
Figure 7: Slide outer ferrule on as shown. Slightly flare the end of ca-
ble braid, as shown, to facilitate insertion into inner ferrule.
combo antenna
GPS antenna
Figure 6—Stripping the Coax Cable Jacket