9-22 Voice recognition
6. Highlight [Start Speaker Adaptation Learn-
ing] and push <ENTER>.
7. Highlight the voice command category to be
learned by the system, and push <ENTER>.
The voice command category list is dis-
8. Highlight the voice command to be learned
by the system, and push <ENTER>. The
voice recognition system starts.
9. The system announces, “Please say a
10. After the tone sounds and the icon on the
screen changes from [
]to[ ], speak a
11. When the system has recognized the voice
command, the voice of the user is learned.
Push <BAC K> once to return to the
previous screen.
With [Continuous Learning] set to on, the
system does not go back to the command
list screen, allowing to continue voice
command learning by the system.
12. If the system has learned the command
correctly, “None” will change to “Stored”.
Editing registered items
It is possible to edit user names and select
learning function settings.
1. Push <SETTING>.
2. Highlight [Others] and push <ENTER>.