3 Introduction to the screen
Display Contents
<Function set switch>
Set status of function selector switch
0:OFF setting 1:ON setting
<Extension switch>
Set status of extension function selector switch
0:OFF setting 1:ON setting
<M-NET address switch>
Set status of M-NET address switch on LM ADAPTER
SWU1:The units digit SWU2:The tens digit
<Control flag>
Internal processing status of LM ADAPTER
FLAG:Control flag status
ERROR:Error flag status
[M]:M-NET communication processing flag
[LON]:LonWorks communication processing flag
0:Reset 1:Set
<General input>
General input status of LM ADAPTER
0:Normal 1:Detecting
<Power failure flag>
Indicating power failure detecting status of LM
0:Powering 1:Interrupting
<Binding status : nvoOnOff_n>
Binding information on operation command input
0:No binding
Unit address
(Unit digit)
Unit address(Tens digit)