30 Piping recommendations
Section 2: Mechanical installation Daniel 3812 Liquid Ultrasonic Flow Meter Installation Manual
March 2013 3-9000-765 Rev D
Figure 2-6 Piping recommendations bidirec
tional flow
All pipe lengths are minimum:
• D = Nomin
al pipe size in inches (i.e. 6" pipe size; 10 D = 60 in)
• P = Pre
ssure measurement location
• T
= Temperature measurement location
Refer to the ultrasonic meter product data sheet f
or piping information. The Liquid Ultrasonic
Flow Meter Datasheet may be downloaded from the Daniel website:
To access the product datasheet, from the Daniel products page (above link), select the
Daniel Liquid Ultrasonic Flow Meter link, click the Documentation tab, expand the Data
Sheets - Bulletins - Catalogs tab, then select the Data Sheet.