Manual # 26-0302000-00 / Revision E ImagePRO – Multi Format Image Processor
nnnn - Input Horizontal Position: nnnn[(Input H Sync) - +(H Total - H Active)]
Returns the Input Horizontal Position in the format
= nnnn
Example: IHPOS 1 296 (Set Input Horizontal Position for channel 1 to 296)
IHPOS? 1 (Queries Input Horizontal Position for channel 1)
IHTOTAL in nnnn
Description: Set Input Horizontal Total. The minimum and maximum limit is dependent on the input resolution.
Parameters: in - Input chnl (1-4) chnl 4 only for ImagePRO-SDI and ImagePRO-HD units
nnnn - Input Horizontal Total: nnnn[(Actual Input H Total * 2/5) - +(Actual Input H Total * 9/5)]
Returns the Input Horizontal Total in the format= nnnn
Example: IHTOTAL 1 1344 (Set Input Horizontal Total for channel 1 to 1344)
IHTOTAL? 1 (Queries Input Horizontal Total for channel 1)
IHUE in nnn
Description: Adjusts Input Hue. Only applicable for non RGB source.
Parameters: in - Input chnl (1-4) chnl 4 only for ImagePRO-SDI and ImagePRO-HD units
nnn - Input Hue (-180 - +180)
IHUE? in
Returns the Input Hue in the format
= nnn
Example: IHUE 1 170 (Adjusts input hue of channel 1 to 170)
IHUE? 1 (Queries Input Hue of channel 1)
ILB in mode
Description: LetterBox Mode
Parameters: in - Input chnl (1-4) chnl 4 only for ImagePRO-SDI and ImagePRO-HD units
mode - Disable/Enable letterbox mode (0 / 1)
ILB? in
Returns the LetterBox Mode in the format
= mode
Example: ILB 1 1 (Enables Letterbox mode of channel 1)
ILB? 1 (Queries LetterBox mode of channel 1)
IRBRT in c nnn.n
Description: Adjusts the Input RGB Brightness value.
Parameters: in - Input chnl [1-3]
c - Color [R|G|B]
nnn.n - Brightness value; Range –25% to +25%
IRBRT? in c
Returns the Input RGB Brightness value of the specified source in the format
= nnn.n
Example: IRBRT 1 R 10 (Adjusts input 1 Red Brightness to be +10%.)