Workman MDE Page 5 -- 1 Chassis
Chapter 5
Table of Contents
GENERAL INFORMATION 1.....................
Operator’s Manual 1..........................
SPECIFICATIONS 2.............................
SPECIAL TOOLS 2.............................
TROUBLESHOOTING 3.........................
Suspension and Steering 3.....................
ADJUSTMENTS 4.1............................
Adjust Front Wheel Camber 4.1................
Adjust Front Wheel Toe--in 4.2..................
SERVICE AND REPAIRS 5......................
Check Tire Pressure 5.........................
Inspect Tires and Wheels 5....................
Upper Steering 6.............................
Steering Gearbox 8...........................
Lower Steering and Front Wheels 10............
Front Shock Absorbers 13......................
A--arms and Front Suspension 14...............
Frame Pivot Yoke 16..........................
Seat Base 18.................................
Front Hood 20................................
Cargo Box (Serial Number Below 311000000) 22..
Cargo Box (Serial Number Above 311000000) 24.
General Information
Operator’s Manual
The Operator’s Manual provides information regarding
the operation, general maintenance and maintenance
intervals for your Workman vehicle. Refer to the Opera-
tor’s Manual for additional information when servicing
the machine.
Rev. A