Psion Teklogix 8525 G2 Automobile Accessories User Manual

Chapter 5: Configuration
Narrow Band Radio Setup
108 Psion Teklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 Vehicle-Mount Computer User Manual
Table 5.1 Protocol Statistics Descriptions
Low Level Screen
Tap on the Low Level tab to display the Low Level statistics screen.
Table 5.2 defines the elements of the Low Level statistics screen.
pt Number of poll timeouts
xe Number of transmitted errors
rssi Received Signal Strength Indicator
Statistic Description
RxOk Message buffers discarded due to lack of available receive buffers
RxHd Message headers successfully received
RxBd Message bodies successfully received
RxEr Message buffers received with detected errors
RxOv Number of transmitted messages, complete application messages
TxOk Message buffers successfully transmitted
TxEr Message buffers which failed to transmit
CD Number of carrier detect changes detected
Coll Number of collisions detected
Tx D
Actual difference in time (in RTC ticks) between when the most recent trans-
mit (with timestamp) was scheduled to start and when it actually started.