Key Description
1 Water column
2 Bottom
3 Twin scanning beams
SpotlightScan setup
Configuring the heading sensor to the trolling motor
You must configure the heading sensor with the trolling motor foot
1. Select Network from the Settings dialog
2. Select Device list
3. Select the position sensor (SLS-100)
4. Select Calibrate on the device information dialog
5. Select your trolling motor foot pedal
6. Select Calibrate
7. Select OK on the confirmation dialog.
Displaying SpotlightScan images
To display SpotlightScan images, the SpotlightScan feature must
first be turned on in the Advanced Settings dialog. For more
information, refer to "Tools" on page 140.
1. Select the Structure application in the Home page.
2. Select the View menu option.
3. Select the Spotlight menu option.
You can set up multiple panel pages to view SpotlightScan,
broadband sonar, and Downscan images at the same time. You
cannot view SpotlightScan and SideScan images at the same time.
SpotlightScan | HDS Gen3 Operator Manual