adjusting the image to a faster speed when vertically
fishing without moving.
Ping speed
Ping speed controls the rate the transducer transmits the Sonar
signal into the water. By default, the ping speed is set to max. It may
be necessary to adjust the ping speed to limit interference or to
adjust for specific fishing conditions.
Manual mode
Manual mode is an advanced user mode that restricts digital depth
capability, so the unit only sends sonar signals to the user selected
depth range. This allows the display to continue smooth scrolling if
the bottom depth is out of transducer range. When the unit is in
manual mode, you might not receive any depth readings, or you
might receive incorrect depth information.
Recording Sonar data
You can record Sonar and StructureScan data and save the file
internally in the HDS Gen3 unit, or save it onto a microSD card
inserted into the unit’s card reader.
The Log sonar dialog is activated from the Advanced menu
option, or the from the Sonar Settings dialog.
Sonar | HDS Gen3 Operator Manual