Lowrance electronic 10775001 GPS Receiver User Manual

Radar view options
Radar symbology
Radar symbology defined in the Radar Settings panel can be turned
on/off collectively. See the radar panel illustration showing optional
radar items.
Target trails
You can set how long the trails generated from each target on your
radar panel remain. You can also turn OFF target trails.
Note: True motion is recommended when using Target
Clearing target trails from the panel
When target trails are displayed on the panel, the radar menu
expands to include an option where you can clear target trails from
your radar panel temporarily. The target trails start to appear again
unless you switch them off as described above.
The radar palette
Different colors (palettes) can be used to represent detail on your
radar panel.
Radar orientation
Radar orientation is indicated on the upper left corner of the radar
panel as either HU (Heading UP), NU (North Up) or CU (Course up).
Heading up
Rotates the radar image to display the current heading directly up
on the radar image.
North up
Rotates the radar image with the north direction upwards.
Course up
Rotates the radar image to display the current navigation course
directly up.
Radar | HDS Gen3 Operator Manual