2. Install:
• Balancer shaft driven gear "1"
• Align the punched mark "a" on the balancer
shaft drive gear with the punched mark "b" on
the balancer shaft driven gear.
• Install the balancer shaft driven gear and
crankshaft with the lower splines "c" aligning
with each other.
3. Install:
• Lock washer "1"
• Nut (balancer shaft driven gear) "2"
• Primary drive gear "3"
• Conical washer "4"
• Nut (primary drive gear) "5"
• Straight key "6"
• Balancer "7"
• Lock washer "8"
• Nut (balancer) "9"
• Apply molybdenum disulfide grease to the
contact surface and threaded portion of the
nut (primary drive gear).
• Apply molybdenum disulfide grease to the
contact surface of the conical spring washer.
• Place an aluminum plate "a" between the
teeth of the balancer shaft drive gear "10" and
balancer shaft driven gear "11".
• Install the conical washer with its convex sur-
face "b" outward.
4. Bend the lock washer tab.
Nut (balancer shaft driven gear):
50 Nm (5.0 m•kg, 36 ft•lb)
Nut (primary drive gear):
100 Nm (10.0 m•kg, 72 ft•lb)
Nut (balancer):
45 Nm (4.5 m•kg, 33 ft•lb)