Garmin GPS 100AVD GPS Receiver User Manual

ALT - Altitude
APT - Airport Waypoint
ATD - Along Track Distance
BRG - Bearing
CAS - Calibrated Airspeed
CDI - Course Deviation Indicator
CMG - Course Made Good
CPA - Closest Point of Approach
CTS - Course To Steer
DALT- Density Altitude
DIS - Distance To Waypoint
DMG - Distance Made Good
DOP - Dilution of Precision
DTK - Desired Track
EPE - Estimated Position Error
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
ETE - Estimated Time Enroute
FPM - Feet Per Minute
FR - From
- Feet
GS - Ground Speed
HDG - Heading
IALT - Indicated Altitude
INT - Intersection Waypoint
KHZ - Kilohertz
- Kilometers Per Hour
- Kilometers
- Knots
MAG VAR - Magnetic Variation
MB - Millibars Of Pressure
MHZ - Megahertz
- Statute Miles Per Hour
- Statute Miles
MPM - Meters Per Minute
- Meters
NDB - NDB Waypoint
- Nautical Miles
PRES - Pressure