Garmin GPS 152 GPS Receiver User Manual

3D Navigation At least four satellites with good geometry have been acquired and your position
is now being calculated in latitude, longitude and altitude. 3D Differential Navigation will appear
when you are receiving DGPS or WAAS corrections in 3D mode and a D will show on the strength
bar of satellites being corrected.
Poor GPS Coverage The receiver is no longer tracking enough satellites for a 2D or 3D x.
Receiver Not Usable The receiver is unusable, possibly due to interference or abnormal satellite
conditions. Turn the unit off and back on to reset.
Simulating Navigation The receiver is in simulator mode.
The DGPS Rcvr and Diff SNR elds appear below the Accuracy and DOP elds. The Differential
Receiver status eld will show one of the following:
Off No optional beacon receiver attached or enabled in the Com menu.
WAAS WAAS capability enabled.
No Signal DGPS receiver attached, but not transmitting RTCM data to GPS.
Tuning Receiver is tuning manual frequency.
Scanning DGPS receiver is scanning for available frequency.
Rcving Unit is receiving DGPS corrections.
Chk Wiring DGPS is enabled in Com menu, but no DGPS receiver attached or bad corrections.
The Differential SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) indicates, on a scale to 0-30db with 30db being the
best, the strength of the DGPS signal being received. If no optional DGPS receiver is used with the
GPS 152, the DGPS Rcvr eld will display Off and the DGPS SNR eld will be blank. The SNR
will depend upon the mounting of your DGPS receiver and the distance from the DGPS transmitting
Main Menu:
GPS Tab With WAAS Disabled
152 Manual Part 2.indd 66 11/27/2002, 2:56:44 PM